Depending on where you live, you can’t keep any sport of shit in your driveway.
Depending on where you live, you can’t keep any sport of shit in your driveway.
“Planes goes into hangar or sit outside at an airport facility.”
Why am I not surprised one of them is in a MAGA hat?
These guys have a prank documentary of Netflix (Undecided). They were really active in the presidential primaries- with pranks on Trump (nazi armbands) and Cruz.
Well for what it’s worth, he won’t be missed and the earth will be better of.
Should “liberals”, and particularly liberals of color, be sad that a man who wanted them dead is dead? Should they be sad that his wife appears to have gotten sick of him and killed him? I mean, this is how Americans reacted to Hitler’s death:
It would be cooler if you could gather more info on that and do an article about it. Would totally read that.
Fuck off.
So witches float and wizards sink?
I wont applaud his death, but I certainly see no reason to cry over it.
His wife is a fake animal rescuer and is on several warning lists for animal activists in the St. Louis/Jefferson/Franklin County areas. She collects donations to help sick animals she adopts under the guise of rescue, then lets them die before she gets them the care. A friend of mine who works at the Jefferson County…
Holy hell, is this perfect for the mess we’ve found ourselves in. I’m stealing this.
Fuck off.
And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.
Chill out, Darren Wilson. You probably shouldn’t be positing on this site.
Good riddance.
Oak was just following precedent
You also can’t just kick paying customers out of an arena because they publicly disagree with you. I mean you can, but that attitude is exactly what causes the general public to side with the guy who was slapping around your security guards.
Oh fuck that. The Garden is a piece of shit organization, and Garden security are meathead fuckfaces. They thught they could intimidate him the way they initmidate avergage citizens and it didn’t work.
You can’t just beat people up who irritate, bother, or offend you.