Cat Davenport

No, but I’ve had someone rage throw a controller at my face. 

Oh definitely. I was just pointing out that I could be paranoid about social media and people at the time. 

Was that what people thought about when Facebook first came out? Strange. Maybe I’m just anti-social, but I definitely didn’t think “Oh man, on Facebook I can find other people who play games.”

I think I was around 24 when I heard about Facebook for the first time. Someone I knew, a few years older than me that it was essentially an online platform that would allow you to share your life with others. The first thing that popped into my mind was “Why would I want to do that?” and “Who would give a fuck?” I

I’d argue that Mikasa killing Eren is essentially repudiating the system. I certainly don’t see how it’s a neutral or positive statement in regards to fascism.

I tried to play FFXIII after a long hiatus. I wanted to grind out the ultimate weapons and realized I had forgotten how to play and died to just a plain mob. 

Hey that’s fair. I was just rounding up because I’m not American. 

Of course, but I thought everyone in the “AKB” family was at least you know, making a liveable wage.

Shit, being in an AKB sister group must not generate much income if she’s hurting for 5k. 

I actually feel like I’m in a better place emotionally, but when it comes to mental performance I feel like wreck. I’m having difficulty doing things that used to come naturally. Stringing together a proper sentence takes a lot of effort, like I’ve regressed cognitively by 20 years.

I stopped early in the pandemic. I felt like I’d really maxed out my abilities with Ashe, and it seems like Valorant was eating up the remaining population. I’d love to stick around, but the trickle of content due to OW2 has whatever left getting stale pretty fast. That being said, I do look forward to going back to

The funny thing is that I do catch up, eventually. The pandemic actually led to me to following channels on Youtube. But you know, that’s old hat now. I have some friends who follow some streamers, but being an adult with a job often means I can’t expose myself to whatever’s popular on a whim.

If anything, I feel like I’m several cycles behind. It feels like the generational gap gets smaller and smaller with every new iteration of the new “it.” And there’s more “its” than I can possibly keep up with.

It's a little sad you can even play it on Steam. But it featured a very fleshed out story mode where you play from the perspective of each race - even starting as a face hugger. But oh well. I've been looking for some thing better for two decades and haven't found it. 

But but, AVP2 by Monolith was really good, even though the expansion was forgettable. 

I had no idea there was even a backlash? Mind illuminating me a bit? I’ve never seen it and I kinda want to.

The Chinese nickname for Overcooked 2 is “Break-Up Kitchen.” However, my wife and I do fairly well at it, even though we got stuck at 5 - 4 and gave up.  

The article is missing some context. Bezos is still working in an executive position and will continue to have tremendous influence and control over the company. It’s just no longer as big as it used to be.

Yeah okay, I went to check it, and I wasn’t renegade enough. I played through the games like I would if it were actually me. So I was probably like 85% Renegade. 

I think the part in question is when there’s a reaper attack, and you either have to sacrifice the Quarian fleet or the Geth fleet. If you’re a renegade, you gotta pick one. If you’re paragon you can get them to reunify.