Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing…
Today’s big Destiny patch brings an immediately noticeable change: Actor Peter Dinklage’s famously mediocre…
And that according to the french branch of Capcom, that DGS will not get a western release:
About damn time.
Not by a long shot. Not compared to Hunters. Hunters was garbage.
I’d say my definition is spot on.
Makes me happy I got a PS4 and Witcher 3. That game has seriously raised the bar for other RPGs/open world games, especially in the side quest department.
Geralt is a massive, far cry from “generic”. In fact, any character that you can create yourself is generic, limited to a flat baseline personality that anyone can squeeze their own interpretations into. Geralt, on the other hand, is an established character with two short story collections and five novels worth of…
at some point you will find your time becomes more precious, that's when you'll hate that kind of drivel, or at least will avoid them like the plague.
In case you need a reminder, Dragon Quest characters have always been designed by Akira Toriyama from the very beginning way back when.
Track: Heart Attack | Artist: Flight Facilities | Album: Down To Earth
if a game on these limited consoles can look more amazing than any PC game that early in the cycle (same goes for Driveclub) there is still a lot more to expect. BTW I believe them when they say they use the black bars on purpose to create a more cinematic effect.
Erm, not sure what your getting at. The Order is by far the best looking game ever released, and that includes high end PC titles.
It is if you sell millions of them.
OMG, thank you for the clarification.
Did I just fucking hear "Emperor of Nibelheim" from that radio announcer!?
This game is so detailed that the amount of work and artistic/technical expertise sometimes just freaks me out, so that I start taking screenshots and rambling to my girlfriend about how in awe I am (we play lots of games together, so that's cool).
And that's not even going into the amazing story, wonderful…