
This episode needed to be longer.

That child was a threat to his family.

Very, very strange choice.  Perhaps they want Jaime's character transformation to be larger, or to remind the audience that Jaime is a bad guy.

Whether she is or she isn't, isn't the point I'm making.  Robb should never have even considered to be highborn (and from Volantis) based simply on her appearance. (Because highborn Volantene don't look like that.)

He is a Blackfyre, and the evidence is mountainful, but rather than put it all here (because I'm lazy and I already had this convo back when the book came out on Westeros), the best evidence is in AFfC, when we're told the tale of the dragon sign that once hung on an inn in the Riverlands.  It was a wrought iron sign,

@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus Connington does not know - only Illyrio, Blackheart, and Varys.  Connington wasn't brought in until some years later.

Then the community at ToH are stupid.  Aegon is not a Targaryen, he's a Blackfyre through the maternal line - as repeatedly said throughout ADwD, House Blackfyre is extinct… in the male line.

So, the Spice King notes that Targaryens have silver-hair, and Talisa says she's Volantene, while Robb thinks she's Volantene nobility.

Heh, they had Jon Snow as Lord Stark's "son" in quotes.

The Ghiscari build Pyramids, and we're not there yet on Dany's fabulously boring adventures.

It would still be a terrible idea, since Robb would instantly abandon the war, as his honor dictates "None is so accursed as the kinslayer."  Taking the Lannisters as kin would nullify his war.

It's not supposed to look like Renly, it's supposed to look like Stannis, it's a god damn shadow that just floats into Renly's tent, and cuts his throat.

The Qarth scene just seemed bad to me, like something out a of low budget science fiction television series, where they land on an alien planet that conveniently speaks English, except for that one point where they argue and the one suspiciously human alien invokes some weird ritual - it being the only word spoken in

What?  It's not supposed to be a smoke monster, and it's not supposed to assume the guise of anyone O-o.


I didn't dig the shadow baby.   I always imagined it a sourceless cast shadow, not a shadowmonster i.e. it's flat, and lies on surfaces.  When it kills Renly, it's as if Stannis' shadow is cast onto Renly, you know?  Not a walking smoke monster.

They did not switch Roose for Tywin.  Arya gets to Harrenhal while Tywin is there.  Tywin leaves the castle to the Bloody Mummers, who then switch allegiance to Roose.

It isn't a big deal, it's just that any other Free City is more diverse.  Lys is the most homogenous/insular of the Free Cities in the books. Varys is Lyseni.

Shit, unlike cyco, I have no problems getting into all of it here, cuz I ain't got a life:

There are tons of (minor character) black people by the later books.  There should be some black women and an exiled black prince in Kings' Landing, but it seems they were cut from the series.