jurassic snark

I clicked on this thinking surely he was in talks or something. But no, he just said 'this is a thing I would like' and its the number two story here.

To add to your point, I remember before season 5 (whichever one they were introduced in) D&D stating emphatically that the Sand Snakes would be fan favorites.

The servant girl also looked like she could be related to Robb's wife, so there was a couple great bits of misdirection there.

He remains the weakest link in the show.

If Bran makes his way back to Winterfell, wouldn't he technically be the King? Then he could theoretically marry Daenerys and that's that?

Isn't Bran a Stark?


Dope was all over the place tonally and didn't quite gel. It was an admirable stab at being a classic, but fell short.

Good list overall, and I still want to see several of these. Have to disagree on It Follows. I found it to be really overhyped, and not very original or entertaining. I'm especially surprised to see it at #3, while Hateful Eight, The Revenant and Force Awakens aren't on here at all. I think it hurts the credibility

Young John McClane should be played by Michael B. Jordan and if you disagree you're a racist.

From what I read, Nic Pizzolatto wrote the part specifically with him in mind. Which makes it even more frustrating because Vince Vaughn can be all charm and charisma schmoozing his way into power, but with the exception of that beating scene, he's being constricted.


Too late, racist! We sprung the trap and you took the bait. Everyone look at the racist!

Its no wonder his, and guys like Jim Carrey's popularity waned as hipsters became so popular. Lillard and Carrey both bring 110% to their roles, which may appear tryhard to a cynical or ironic audience.

It was one woman and we don't know her motives, yet. Also its Vegas, where hookers are a thing.

Yeah, I can see that. It seems more of a brainstorming conversation about the show, than an edited, coherent piece. Interesting insight about them talking about themselves at times.

Yeah, same here lately. The comment section keeps it pretty brief and to the point.

I agree, there are still elements I enjoy, outside of some of the interpretations.

I don't know what it is about these past few episodes, but the reviews have gotten further and further into outer space themselves. The interpretations of key scenes just don't make much sense, and there's not a whole lot of consistency of the interpretations as the review goes on.