Some of you are probably reading that headline and thinking "oh, this must've been a coincidence and it's just…
Some of you are probably reading that headline and thinking "oh, this must've been a coincidence and it's just…
Meat-eaters and vegans are getting into an angry spat involving a New York restaurant, and oh my God can they both…
Stop the presses! President Obama and Michelle Obama ate at a fancy restaurant on vacation! Why is this news? It…
Jesus, again? Are there a lot of restaurant employees who don't have internet access?
Yay, it's BCO Monday! *runs around like some yappy little dog who pees on the rug out of happiness*
My fellow Americans, I have important news: two days ago was V-M Day in World War Mayo. Yes, our long national…
I prefer "The Grand Duchess of Derp"
Not if you legally changed your name to "Les Chikin".
It's legally fair use. Check out this related case on a website titled "Bally Sucks":
They would. But they'd lose. Satire, bitches.
If the shirt is intended as a protest thing, it might be protected. It might be covered under satire.
Would buy.
(deletes "Lez Chicken" joke) Fuck Chick Fil A though.
Would you sue if I did that first/
If you open the oven while the bun is still baking, you risk ending up with a deformed bun.
I suspect you could make a convincing argument for artistic impression. You would have to make that argument because yes, they would sue you.
I recently moved to Vermont, and this makes me smile. I see those "Eat More Kale" bumper stickers everywhere. Vermont: simultaneously the home of Ben & Jerry's &