Owner of that gameboy gets to be the kid with tape over their battery port. Much mocking is in their future.
Owner of that gameboy gets to be the kid with tape over their battery port. Much mocking is in their future.
I fry grilled cheese in bacon grease and butter.
Yeah...love bacon. Even named my dog Bacon, Francis Bacon.
Only 30%? I was under the impression he was halfway there
I would totally be okay with eating Taco Bell for most of my remaining life. It will be a short one.
Did you get a free temporary number tattoo with purchase?
There would be a lot of fires.
That comment about Blue Ivy was stupid and mean, but making fun of kids is wonderful when it's done right. There are rules though:
I can see it now...riots like the Vancouver Stanley Cup riot breaking out in cities all across the nation. Millions injured and maimed.
As an aside: I grew up in Missouri. When I was growing up, we had Dunkin Donuts. Then, for some reason, they all left, and a fair few of the places that stayed donut shops became "Donut King"s...
We would be like the bugs-bunny-florida animation and remove ourselves from the continent.
And the award for Inadvertently Porniest Euphemism goes to...JurassicBark for "meat avalanche."
Good god I needed that laugh. Kudos!
I will be Murder, She Ate.
Private Eyes Are Weight Watching You!
Put me down for "Kalorie-Kounting Kojak," Kardashian style.
IBS investigator.
Phillip MarLo-Cal.
I'll be Chocolate Brown, of the Encyclopedia Cocoas, of course.
(Where in the world is) Carmen-Apple Sandiago.