Noted male stripping and current see-er of Joe Manganiello naked Sofia Vergara confirms: Magic Mike might just be "too much" for some women. But too much what, Sofia?
Noted male stripping and current see-er of Joe Manganiello naked Sofia Vergara confirms: Magic Mike might just be "too much" for some women. But too much what, Sofia?
Benedict Cumberbatch really got spoiled during his trip to the zoo.
Don't be ashamed. Loving McRibs is not a choice. We were born this way! What kind of horrible franchisee would deny us our right to our love?
Things Ain't Going So Great for Poor Barbie
Just because something has a half-life greater than plutonium doesn't mean it doesn't decay.
It'd be even better if instead of shells, Link shot Cuccos at people.
Right back atcha most uberest of trouts.
She relates through tears a somewhat disjointed story about rescuing Snow and "leaving her sisters behind,"
I've about the evils of rabbits for quite a while...
Because this is a thing now. Perverts.
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
You think having no pockets is bad? I have a pair of cargo shorts that has pockets that go all the way down to the bottom hem. I have to literally go elbow deep into the pockets to get anything out of them. So, it could be worse ladies, you could have overly large pockets.*
Apparently the StreetChat developer doesn't understand what happens when an adult tells a teenager not to do something.
I'm gonna stick with my East Coast Cynicismâ„¢.
You're thinking of Christmas.
That is one adorable-ass video.
This gives me a tingle in my special spot.
Your move 2048.
Keeping someone as a backup spouse would be emotionally unfair. Unless, of course, you keep one in suspended animation in a secret lab in your basement. You know, hypothetically.
The Spleen is pleased.