
My father still drives a 96 transport, in the two tone maroon/gold color combo. The windshield is so enormous and has a weird rake to it, my brother says it gives him a headache and refuses to drive or ride in it.

Will it wheelie? 

I dont see the appeal. Part of the fun was doing the research and understanding what works with what when building PCs, but thats just me. Plus I could build a better spec’d PC for the same price as those above. 

Go to H-E- Double Hockey Sticks 

I looked at used prices on these. Honda Civics that are around 5 years older with similar mileage are less than a newer soul. Ill take a Civic over this.

Not a diss on the soul, I had one as a rental once and was pleasantly surprised, I just think an older used civic is a better deal for a winter beater. 

Imagine getting your econobox stolen twice. Dam that would suck. 

Wait just a minute. What did my comment have to do with race? 

I mean thats what an engine or transmission replacement costs on a 11 year old car so I dont really see your point.

My comment was more towards the fact that the author is cursed and grenades normally bulletproof vehicles. 

Yeah, Milwaukee 

I can see it already.

3 months from now we’ll get an article titled-“The battery pack in our prius is junk!”

Milwaukee you say? Not surprised 

Thank you for sending me down the “I survived” subaru story rabbithole 

$2K isnt cheap to me. Maybe im jaded or most of the commentators on this site dont know how to get good deals. I picked up an 06 Mini cooper, manual, with 120K miles for $2k 2 months ago.

NP if you need a van for a family.

ND if you’re an automotive enthusiast like I assume most people on this site are.

The LA Riots 

Jalopnik - “We are woke. Obey.” 

In what world is hitting someone with your car ever OK?”

Wow, a Nice Price for once! 

The reuters article? Clearly you didnt read it. It doesnt even mention weather.

But the other airlines didn’t have weather cancellations? mmmmmmmmmk