
La Coronita Mas Fina

You know, I don’t really care who behaved worse, this just bums me out.  I like both of their work a lot.  

I think it was both the success high and being drunk—like multiple drinks drunk. People do engage in extreme behavior while drunk that they regret or would like to take back later. I know that is stating the obvious but it bears remembering w/r/t the shoving scene.

That’s a good point.  He seems to have fewer delusions of grandeur than the others, and indeed from a business perspective is a bit inclined to undersell himself, which has enabled him to rise.

Hmm, probably a wise edit there.

Yes, all people with dysfunctional parents have it hard but it seems like the hard-driving, “your success will redeem my entire life, and all our family resources will go towards that goal” type of dad is particularly hard to get past, psychologically speaking.

I don’t disagree (although some elements don’t hold up imho), it’s just the way people talk about it I expected something totally different.

That’s dads for you. They terrorize you when you’re too young to fight back, then years go by, the testosterone ebbs away, and they mellow out and you realize you love the mellower version and seeds of it were there all along and you forgive them for all the terrorizing.  

Relatedly, anyone who hasn’t read Andre Agassi’s Open should do it, it’s probably the best autobiography I’ve ever read.

So, fairly recently I watched “The Searchers” expecting some kind of masterpiece of windswept Western plains and a stoic, tight-lipped John Wayne. It was so much weirder than that. A Technicolor ramble that went on and on and was tonally all over the place.  

Trashing things was a big theme in ‘80s movies.  

I don’t know if you are joking or not but, as Alicia Keys said to Andy Samberg, I admire your honesty.

For my own part I wouldn’t have bothered with this but as a parent whose kid thinks Ryan Reynolds is a god, I appreciated the PG-13 rating. And the movie itself was OK. Detecting a tinge of misogyny in some of the comments about Gal Gadot. She is just as good at playing slight variations on a single type as the other

“My best friend has it, and so do you!”

Thanks for the tribute to Walk Hard which is the only biopic I have ever enjoyed.

Now give Beck Bennett something.  He’s awesome. 

But who is, though? 

I feel like that’s more Sandler than Michaels.

Plus, you know, done a decent American accent.

A white guy can do anything better than anyone, is kind of what I get from fiction writers of a certain era.