
Yeah, back in the ‘90s Clueless could call an attractive boy “a Baldwin,” indicating the brothers were all hot and relatively interchangeable, but the passage of time is showing us that there’s really only one Baldwin, whether or not you like his public persona.

I would have picked Joseph Gordon Levitt as my Long doppelganger. They’re just bracketed together in my mind, like (old(er) school example) Bill Pullman and Jeff Daniels—if you need one and he’s not available, get the other one, either will do, they’re interchangeable.

Good point, presumably they hooked him up back then.

There’s way, way, way more grade inflation in college U.S. colleges than in high school—at least in the humanities, I believe the sciences are more rigorous. Consequently I doubt much of a payoff would be necessary; these kids are probably guaranteed at least a gentleman’s C for showing up.  More likely a B.

Best guess: boy deers need to whack their budding antlers on something, adequately tall/tough trees are in short supply.  Either that, or it’s Mother Nature telling us that the havoc we’ve wrought on the environment is leading gradually from disorder to utter chaos.

I’m guessing you (i) don’t like classic TV sitcoms; (ii) aren’t interested in creative examinations of the grieving process and (iii) are a dude. All totally fine, but WandaVision was not a muddle, it just wasn’t for you.

Bad optics.  Yikes.

Was going to say the same thing--the endgame is definitely the same, it’s just a question of timeline.

Yeah, I think so (although you could argue thin body, reasonably symmetrical features, etc.). And she’s got a great career going.  

Only the Burns and hillbillies lifestyles are conceivable now.  

You latter-day Philip Larkin, you.

And it’s usually someone else’s body with the stars’ heads photoshopped on.

If you add Kate Hudson in Ugg boots, you achieve the singularity.

Well, you know what they say: the child is eerily prescient of the man.

If you consider the meteoric rise of both Jesse Plemons and Adam Driver, you get the feeling the big directors are not looking for a low-key handsome leading man type right now, but someone with chops who’s more interesting looking. Still waiting for interesting-looking women actors to get the same chances.

They might as well be.

Go straight to Hollywood, collect $1.2 million (or whatever they pay for absolutely top-notch screenplays these days).

Counterproposal: double feature with Snakes on a Plane.  

A bas les aristos!!

The monarch has little real power and the institution of the royal family gives the public figureheads who will wear exciting costumes and parade around for their benefit so that the politicians can be drab and policy-focused.  It also generates tourism dollars.