
There are a lot of stories, the phenomenon was not limited to the Comanches.

White captives were sometimes mistreated and sometimes wholeheartedly adopted as family members from the get-go. During the times of colonization Native American tribes commonly practiced inter-tribal adoption, sometimes by means of kidnapping when two tribes were at odds, often to replace family members who had died.

Gotcha. I watched SNL a lot during that era, but that particular memory seems to have faded.  

Wait wait who’s this half-jacketed guy? Your post says one thing, the picture puts me into a different world. Only half a jacket? Is that a cigarette sticking out of the pocket, and if so, is it hand-rolled? What kind of shirt has a collar that tiny?

Ugh I like what I’ve seen of this show a lot but I bought it on Prime Video and no matter how many times I turn off the TV/Roku/restart/whatever I can. not. get the video and audio to sync up. It’s a big enough gap that I can’t really enjoy watching it.  

I’m always annoyed when people rave about the character of Dumbledore b/c JK Rowling basically took Gandalf and the version of Merlin in the Sword and the Stone/The Once and Future King, put them in a blender, and called it a day.

Baby boomers, man.  SMH.

To me, it’s always been just a really great title, ripe for references while highway driving (although it’s a maneuver I never plan on actually performing, knock on wood).

I think Hanks could do it, but he’s not allowed to lose and gain weight for roles anymore.

Butterbox Babies, anyone?

Unless it has a wistful heroine with braids or a sturdy lad with suspenders gazing across a prairie, no.

Nolan has weighed in on the worst streaming service. I’m happy to be able to inform the AV Club community about the *best* streaming service. It’s called Gazebo. It only shows Canadian-made family-friendly TV series set before the 1920s.

Interesting point.  It probably didn’t hurt that Peter Jackson was so very geographically distant from those funding the project--that would tend to reinforce a sense of autonomy on both sides.

I’m trying to picture what “relentless, bemused dunking” would look like on a basketball court.

Sort of like when Ellen Degeneres did a standup special recently—my sense is that if you’ve lived with wealth long enough, you remember some things about not being wealthy, but it’s like your memories harden into “bits,” and the realities start to fade. Things you start out only saying to other rich people start to

It’s no doubt a different experience watching it for the first time now than when it first aired, but I still disagree. Walt’s an antihero, but the narrative is still one of professional advancement and empowerment (although with tons of collateral damage since his enterprise is criminal). I don’t think the show would

A big reason that Earth is currently headed for climate change disaster is that, thanks to decades of relentless and highly effective lobbying by Koch proteges, etc., when GW Bush entered the White House, instead of acknowledging climate change, suddenly it was: we’re going to look into this and see if it’s really a

Seems like an attempt to recapture past peak-TV glory. (Speaking of which, I could imagine rewatching The Wire at some point, but never Breaking Bad or the Sopranos. I am tired of shows that glorify middle-aged male violence and self-pity. Probably it’s just because I’m old now, but it might have something to do with

Scrolled through until I found a comment I agreed with—yours. Really irritating episode, this one. I was glad I had dishes to do while the firefight was going on, it was boring as heck. Every time you have a bunch of storm troopers you know you’re going to see them all get hacked/shot/whatever until the serious bad

Many people who perceive themselves as 100% neurotypical are idiotically committed to shunning neuroatypicality and anyone who manifests it. That attitude is a crippling weakness that they seem to think is a strength.