
Another possibility: She likes that just-before-orgasm phase, and wanted to enjoy it a few times before the big finish.

I like to remember: You can forgive and still set limits.

Bring me the buttah.

Just one tiny quibble with your otherwise-excellent advice: Avoid e-mailing unless you somehow know for *sure* that he will not see it (a work addy, maybe). A controlling guy like this may very well have insisted on having access to her e-mail (also texts, voice mail, etc.) Finding out her sibling is criticizing him

I (respectfully, of course) disagree. I think ghosting and drifting apart are two different things, and I've experienced both in platonic relationships. I've lost touch with a number of friends because our circumstances changed (relocation, graduation, new job, babies, etc.) There was never any intention or hard

"What's wrong with doing nice things for a woman with the hope that it will lead to a relationship, exactly? It seems to me that doing nice things for someone is something that many people do to signal interest."

"The letter writer sounds like the type of "nice guy" . . . [who] wants to
turn their friendship into a relationship." I don't see that in his letter, though. He sounds quite dismissive of her wanting to "re-kindle a relationship." To be fair, he doesn't come right out and say sex is what she's hoping "she'll

"If you have some desire to court this woman, make said desire known in a clear and concise manner." EXACTLY! "Good guys" are honest.If you just want a 'bang buddy,' tell her that and let her decide if that's what she wants. If you want a relationship, then ask her out on a date and start cultivating that

How about we just agree that "come" is the verb and "cum" is the noun? There are precedents for this, e.g., callous/callus.