
I cannot think of one time that looks anything like this. Oh, except for this time.

Umm, I think it’s a bit too fucking late.

I saw this title, and I immediately looked at the date to check if it was April Fools Day.

Seeing TYT on Gizmodo.

Did anyone notice all of the love for China during the keynote? I didn’t see any articles that mentioned how they made many of their examples China-centric. Spotlighting WeChat which is popular there, showing off how the watch can convert Chinese hand drawn characters to text, using the Hong Kong emergency number as

Wait, someone hacked God?

The biggest problem if you use a pie chart is that if your income grows, you give yourself a proportional amount of it for certain things. This can allow your expenses to grow with your income and make changing your free spending difficult. Instead of limiting your budget for say groceries, it grows when you earn