
A man was knocked down by a bus and he got right back up and walked into a bar.

Couldn’t agree more with one rule: Ban the menus on flatscreens that occasionally change to a promo that makes the menu disappear every minute or so. If I walk into a place I don’t frequent for my late lunch and immediately get to the counter, sometimes there’s no damn menu to order from.

When pressed, Fisher says “has 7-9 good stories he could tell about Vince. But he is working hard every day to make them more competitive.”

But uncle Ben Built C3po!

...after he was caught having a brief sexual encounter in an Italian restaurant...

I see a 5-year old Hyundai Tucson,myself...

As usual, the spitting image can’t compete with the swallowing video.

but did he make a baseball move? that’s the real question.

I saw Surfaces at WWDC.

If they made an ESC, would it later be followed by such models as CRTL, ALT, and DEL?

The Driver was distracted by Kinja’s Infinite Scroll and the 450 clicks it takes to read the comments

Once I saw the driver, it was immediately clear why it landed drivers side-front first

“We’ll wait to see if any of these five countries qualify before making a comment.” - FIFA spokesperson

Spagnuolo later apologized if anyone was offended but his personal animosity toward fat people was because his father had spent years of his life fighting the morbidly obese.

We’d be happy to not make movies about Boston if you would kindly take back every effin’ Chowderhead that lives out here. Start with Simmons, Wahlberg, and anybody that went to Emerson.

Yeah but if the guy had been driving a proper rwd manual 30 years old car without electronic nannies and safety features that makes people lazy and suck their soul, he would have been more attentive and would heave easily rev-matched / heel’n toe his way out of trouble.

“Go ahead and describe this Bolt using only emoji” 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

“We appreciate these rules changes and hope to partake in at least one or two of these so-called touchdown celebrations by the year 2021.” — L.A. Rams press release

1/2 psi low in the left-rear.