
Are you saying window switch guys can’t make a transmission?

You create more diesal fuel than what you put in of course!

At least Jeep doesn’t lie about gas mileage... or ride quality... or handling...

Its also a hell of a lot sexier than its F-35 bretheren.

well yeah, its just a simple plastic switch man.

It does have a nice style though.

Mary and Troy are kind of massive fucks because of what they did with the HD remix.

Did no one play games before the ps2 era? Shit I remember my dad coming home with the half life expansions. Dont forget the Homeworld Cataclysm stand alone expansion.

How about the Ultima 7 expacs? or Doom? This list is shit.

Hehehehehe, little tires on that big truck look silly.

Have them fill your tires with “normal” air, then when they finish go “Jokes on you assbats! the air we breathe is 70% Nitrogen” then you drive off.

When I bought mine they just told me they threw in the envelope baggage thingy for free. That and I got free window tinting.

You aren’t missing much :P

I feel they would take a huge chunk of aliens out due to the fact that the lasers would cauterize the wounds. Unless the acid doesn’t act as real blood would.

no thanks, not a VW fan :V

Sweet mods yo. I wish I could make my car shoot out photoshops.

If you bought a TDI just keep on driving until you hear about a recall. Or you can run it until you have a runaway diesel engine and then take it to a windy road and jump out while letting your car run off the cliff.

I have the HR Charge. Its pretty nice when I remember to wear it to the gym.

I think you could scan a barcode and it would show you more of the product online or something. The company that made it went defunct shortly after Radioshack started handing them out.

My dad and I got one for free from Radioshack way back when.