... Looks like a heart attack!
... Looks like a heart attack!
I remember reading the MGS manual and hoping to get into a great battle with Decoy Octopus (Fighting two Meryls or what have you and having to look at slight differences)
How in the fuck did he get off Mother Base? He crawled his ass there with my Ground Zeroes data transfer and then I saved him again?
Forza is pretty, but i’ll sit and wait for the new Gran Turismo. Its always felt a little better to me.
which one from the movie?
Genesis was crap! Old Century was best!
I’m going to need pictures. I just can’t believe you put that many pizzas in the trunk.
Anything is capable of off-roading if you try. Especially the Miata!
They could have opened the tunk!
I’ll give jeeps that they can take a beating by stupid. I just dont get the doors off thing, that wind noise would drive me mad.
Not with that attitude!
If you bought new. Congrats, it’s going to be great for awhile as long as you take care of it. I’m thinking the really unrealiable ones that are sold weren’t taken care of.
#1 Thats why I bought the V6 Mustang first. My car I traded in for it was barely pushing 150 HP. Gotta crawl before you can assault the enemy base.
“Boss, why didn’t you blow up the convoy?”
I thought this sniper battle was easier than Sniper Wolf’s battle in MGS1. Then again I spent a lot of time abducting people to get the sleeper rifle.
If you remember Peace Walker, he gave his life to the Boss. Soooo if he lost it.. Oh well.
... That.... That just escalated.
True, but as stated, how many DM’s and players understand that?
Not if I get the Lambo body kit!
A Paladin should follow first and foremost the gods, then law of the land. Like I said, I tread a very fine line when playing as a Paladin.