
Agreed. The threats couldn't have been more obvious.

I'm so glad you posted this. I agree, the comment was despicable. I remember at first rewinding to hear if I heard what I thought I did. Couldn't believe it, and was surprised no one commented about it on the article for that episode. I came back here to read comments on Marco Polo, since they reran it last night.

Because it stunts maturity?

As a non-Mac user, I wondered myself just how possible all that activity was in reality.

I hope you are kidding. They mention he's from Missouri in just about every episode.

I've been annoyed with her Joker smirk smile for years now. Bleh. I'm surprised she doesn't have wrinkles there. But who am I to judge? She looks great. A bit too thin, but that's jealousy talking.

We know the horns work well. Hee.

"She used to have a beautiful, feminine body, and now she's becoming yet another super-slim Hollywood stick figure."