
Personally, I’m hesitant to purchase Sekiro because I’m honestly terrible at fighting games. Games may be an art medium, but they’re also out there to make money - and broadening the experience they offer with difficulty tiers could win them more consumers. I’d happily buy Sekiro if I knew I could get past the first

I mean, it was a really immature thing to do, but that’s the thing about having fans on the internet: they’ll keep asking for more content, no matter what, until you kick the bucket. He wanted to get away from the game and it’s community, so he took the route guaranteed to work. If I were a fan, I think I’d be able to

To the critics of the show; I say: the show is a watered down version of the book. Read the book to fully understand Kondo’s stance on tidying.

I can’t remember the last time I played the Sims 4 without it bugging out or glitching in one way or another. I could name an endless list of glitches that I’ve experienced. The fact that there’s a problem with the update is not surprising at all. EA/Maxis needs to focus on the quality of their games for once.

If I was skeptical about these claims beforehand, Fondaumière’s added comment cemented my opinion. Denying allegations and fighting to“defend his honor?” Does he have no empathy? People are being degraded and discriminated! Even if he doesn’t believe that his company would do such a thing, the reasonable thing to do

Morrowind does have a mini map. It’s tiny, though.

I can understand the dislike of mini maps, and I agree they should be an optional part of the HUD, but...I think you under-estimate how helpful it is for someone with no sense of direction, in or out of game. I can get so lost! in games without a mini map, my gameplay is often interrupted completely because I need to

My eggs got caught in an updraft I happened to be near. Floated up there, perfectly safe