At my school, if you could drink you could not prom.
At my school, if you could drink you could not prom.
I'm hoping it's because he stole the mascot animal of the Derry High School Dairy Cows on the rich side of town and led it into the third floor girls' bathroom and it had to be lifted out by crane and it was the best prank EVER and everybody wanted to elect him Prom King but the principal was a total buzzkill and put…
I going to share my coffee wisdom with you whether you want it or not.
It's a cheap high but when I'm feeling blue nothing makes the world better than bad 90's pop music, Ke$ha (this is her music before she classed up her name so I'm keeping the dollar sign dammit), wine of questionable quality, and pretending I am the most beautiful woman at the club with the best moves. And because…
Jumping animals are my favorite thing (FYI, that is a gliding snake in the first gif, just saying):
Reminds me of one of my faves.
Check out the book "Making Faces". It's about makeup for photography. ..but really cool if you're not a photographer also.
Thank you, but not really...
I mean, condoms are definitely uncomfortable, but so is herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and that worst STD of all: children.
While the idea that condoms won't fit on your penis is certainly false, there are definitely brands that I've found to be uncomfortably snug. So, you know, I buy different ones. Pretty simple life hack, really.
Can't find his name, but I found this clip:
Yeah, I'm first. I watched that movie when I was a kid and said way back then that the Beast was terrible and she should have married Gaston. I BASICALLY CALLED DIBS
Childhood is insisting you are too grown up for a nap. Adulthood is wishing desperately that you could squeeze in a nap.
No one twerks like Gaston.
I think it's still quite important to note if women are vastly more likely than men to be working full-time as caretakers without getting a paycheck for it.
I have a penis shaped bottle opener in my home, and the last time my mother was visiting, she picked it up, looked at it, and said, "This man must be abusing steroids. Look at how small the testicles are in comparison to his penis! He should get that checked out."
I had to sneak Schnapps in my parent's basement and hide my puke in the bushes like a normal teenager. Gawd, my parents were lame.
Good grief! Where did these cats find water beds? 1978?