
Back in the day I worked at an abortion clinic. This was when protesters were just starting to pick up steam. My elderly mom volunteered to be an "escort." Unfortunately, she only lasted one day because she accidentally-on-purpose "kicked" on the of the male protesters in the shins. That was my mom, may she rest

Yes. If the current rate of poaching continues they have less than ten years left.

If the people he's talking to are saying, "Don't shoot elephants because they're 'big and kind and gentle and smart,'" then the people he's talking to are idiots. The correct answer is because they are mostly endangered. Gestation lasts fucking two years with these animals; it's difficult for them to increase their

So, two things:

worrying about weight loss takes up much of the precious brain bandwidth

Last election a dude was hanging out by the polling place with big, graphic, bloody anti-abortion signs and harassing passers by on their way to/from voting. When we walked past, he yelled, "do you think killing babies is okay?" My bf just looked at him and said, "Yes." And we walked away.

Always loved this little graphic.

Did a guy create this graphic? Because the seat's up, and our poor girl up there has enough problems, man.

I've had male friends comment that they hate it when a girl "starfishes" - meaning, just lies there - while I've had other, more impressive male friends comment that if a woman begins to "starfish", that's probably a sign that things aren't going well and you should stop.

Or a BDSM relationship, where consequences are fun and everybody loves them. ;)

Sometimes withdrawal is just a natural response. Relationships are hard. Sometimes people fight. Sometimes people hold back from saying something they want to say because they know it will be spoken in the heat of the moment and might regret it later.

Tape worms are a risk from fleas, also. If one flea that contains the cyst gets on the pet and the pet ingests it while grooming, the tape worm infection has occurred. You can certainly reduce your exposure, but you are never free of risk. Commercially-prepared raw diets come from human-grade meat, which lessens the

I have a black kitty! She actually is the foot servant of Satan though.

"Tables are for glasses...not...asses!" I died.

I watch for the plot. Really.

For comparison with a more "progressive" state: