
Fair criticism.

They do have a cafeteria, and the food is pretty decent. No Indian or sushi though. :)

I saw a photo of the enclosure that shows the barrier and I thought the same thing. Our local zoo has gorillas too and the viewing area is inside an interior building, behind a wall plexiglass. (The gorilla habitat is in open air, but the zoo patrons are inside an interior space with a plexi window. As an aside, it

Because tranquilizers take time to work, unlike in the movies, and sometimes an animal will have a reaction to them where they actually get more aggressive once they are shot.

On the upside, your kid is probably now immune to every disease known to man. Or so I told myself when mine licked the pole in a NYC subway car.

My great aunt still makes these salads regularly. She uses clear jello powder and either celery or tomato juice for the aspic. The celery one has green veggies in it and the tomato one usually has shrimp.

There’s no parole in the federal system. Life is life. Similarly, many states have a “life without parole” option.

PS this year's version, which has a slightly different waist but still looks promising, is $10 on right now.

The first pair I ever bought, 4 years ago or so, were definitely maternity, but I feel like ON must have realized how universally awesome they are, because the past few years they’ve just listed them as regular pants (though I don't see them this year).

Yeah, we always had to wear suits to meet clients, and sometimes the client would be like, "why are you so dressed up? You're making me feel bad!"

I worked at a large NY law firm and even there most attorneys didn’t wear suits or even jackets unless they had a meeting/ deposition or a court appearance.

I think I am wearing those pants right now - the ones with the kind of yoga-pant waistband that's made of tee-shirt material? They are the ONLY pants I will wear to the office. Otherwise it's dresses and leggings, every day.

The cast album went gold in April, so it's reasonable to assume that a LOT of people know the show who have not actually seen it live.

Yeah, I know. It still made me irrationally super nervous though. :)

When I was pregnant a study came out that correlated living within a mile of an interstate with a greatly reduced risk of autism. I lived literally less than 100 yards from an interstate and our bedroom windows looked out onto it. Kid is 3.5 and fine. It did freak me out but there's always a study that shows you're at

Large classic schoolbuses and coaches (not smaller ones or vans, which almost always have seatbelts) are actually safer without seatbelts because of the way they are built. It's more dangerous for kids to get trapped in their belts and not able to evacuate safely and quickly.

Group sales have apparently been closed for months, just not enough tix available. The NYT quoted a message board post from someone claiming to be a teacher in CA who had had her order cancelled because she and some colleagues each bought a block of tickets for a total order of thirty or so for students on a school

Cuyana Classic Leather Tote, and it's monogrammable!

This comment makes me happy, now I'm hopeful that people like them and all the Bernie supporters who say they'll stay home or vote for Jill Stein will cancel each other out.

Wide Sargasso Sea is amazing. It's really a classic in its own right.