
IDK, I am no purist, and have read a lot of (some good, some abjectly terrible) JA/ P&P fanfic-spinoffs, but the NYT review of this book made it look absolutely dreadful. I thought Prep was decent, but MOMD and American Wife were pretty bad.

I loved S1 of Catastrophe (watched it solo); convinced my husband to watch S2 with me and realized 2 eps in that I do NOT at all enjoy watching it with him. It’s just WAY too close to home.

Yes, and Roald Dahl has a story in "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More" about the accidental finding of the Mildenhall silver treasure, really worth a read if you haven't read it. The finders, I believe, were denied their cut of the money, though, because they didn't report it - the farmer who turned it

Yes! Related! My friend let me in on the greatest secret ever which is if you get anxious at the dentist, ask if you can wear the heavy blanket you wear for X-rays during your cleaning — same concept, the weight is soothing like the tightness of the thunder shirt/ sports bra.

I love that scene, esp the part where Julia does her thing and is kind of excruciatingly honest, then there’s a pause where you aren’t sure whether the others are going to be all star-struck and buy it, and then they are all like “NOPE!” and everyone laughs. I also love the part of that dinner party scene where they

You mean in the show or the book? I read book one in an afternoon, but book two started getting a bit heavy on the mining... I'm still working my way through it. Since S1 of the show (which covers book 1 and book 2) wasn't quite as mining-heavy, I was hoping for the same in S2.

I think some regulations are absolutely necessary. From my perspective as a parent fortunate enough to be able to afford a top-of-the-line center daycare, their existence doesn’t affect me much directly, but they give the state the ability to crack down on centers that provide substandard care under dangerous

My parents help us with our kids so insanely much. We literally could not do it without them. I know you're not asking for advice but mine is to try not to feel guilty about the help your parents give you. It can be overwhelming - but imagine what you would do to help your own kids - anything you could, right? That's

I’m on the board of my son’s daycare center so I have access to the financials. We pay around $1400/month for preschool (toddler care runs at 1700 and infant care at 2200). The center is not run as a non-profit, but the profit margin is very thin - fluctuates based on enrollment well under 2%. By far the largest

I realized my response didn’t really address your comment about the timing. The reason “so many” vaccinations are given “at once” is because it’s perfectly safe and in addition, is more efficient, cost effective, and it increases compliance and therefore protection. (That is to say, parents are more likely to comply

Science is the best!

From the AAP: "Although we now give children more vaccines, the actual number of antigens they receive has declined. Whereas previously 1 vaccine, smallpox, contained about 200 proteins, now the 11 routinely recommended vaccines contain fewer than 130 proteins in total." We give more vaccines because more vaccines are

Harvard University has an exhibit through April 30 of its FF as well as a ton of other Shakespeare-related stuff. “On view will be important early editions including the iconic First Folio owned by Harry Elkins Widener; creative respondents to Shakespeare from his eighteenth century editor and critic Samuel Johnson

No mention of the fact that the two girls are sisters? They are the daughters of actress Brooke Smith, who has addressed this on Twitter.

The girl with the elbow on her head is her big sister. :) Her look makes sense to me in that context, as I am a little sister too. They are the daughters of the actress Brooke Smith, who addressed this on Twitter.

Yeah, I agree with that, I’m about her size and I generally wear a 10-12. But all the same, I don’t consider her “plus” sized, I consider her to be average. (Yes, for a MODEL, she’s “plus” sized, but she’s not a model). If we have to label everyone, maybe we need to start calling models "minus" sized.

THANK YOU for this resource! I found the book I was looking for! ("Ghost of a Chance" by Janet Quin-Harkin).

Guilty as charged — I think I turned out ok though. :)

I have such memories of reading books from this series in the 80s. There was one that sticks in my mind involving an oil spill, where the heroine proves to the boy she adores that she's the one for him because she's willing to get dirty cleaning oil off birds while his stuck-up girlfriend refuses to get her sweater

I believe the opponents of the law have conceded that the government has a “legitimate interest” in women being able to access no-cost contraception, so that point wasn’t really at issue. Thus, the fact that the Court seems to be taking that as a given isn’t really telling either way.