
That Elle magazine “rebuttal” is written by “Blair Schmaldorf.” That’s clearly a Pseudonym/ Gossip Girl reference, right? Because the NY Times among other legit outlets referenced it as if “Blair Schmaldorf” were a real person.

I don’t pretend to be an expert, but I respectfully disagree. I have raised two kids, the first one a very difficult kiddo who was prone to tantrums, and we have tried a multitude of approaches, including one similar to the approach described in this article, and — depending on the kid, as always with parenting YMMV —

The linked article suggests that the parents knew about this for well over year without doing anything about it or reporting it other than to “church elders.” Also, it says that Michelle admitted that they didn’t actually get counseling for Josh but sent him to work with “a guy they knew” who was remodeling homes.

As a mom of two boys I so hope I'm in your position someday. Good on you!!!

Right. And I think that's one reason people feel this was not intrinsically fair, because that requirement led to the seating of a non-representational jury that was likely pro-prosecution.

I live here too and the majority of people here opposed the imposition of the death penalty in this case, per polling data.

The majority of Massachusetts residents oppose the imposition of the DP in this particular case, per polls.

Exactly. And I hope it’s obvious that I do not mean to undermine or minimize the horror of what happened to the Dawson family. It was just one of those cases where there is nothing but tragedy and waste all around, where you feel the presence of an inescapable vortex of violence and despair. I’m not from Baltimore

I was marginally involved with the case when I lived in Baltimore. There was also some evidence that Brooks was mentally disabled and had been manipulated/ coerced into undertaking the act by drug dealers. He took a plea to LWOP to avoid the death penalty.

Isn’t she a state court judge? Maybe I’m misremembering. I heard the same thing about his proclivities.

I know you said you hate research but the Atlantic did a really interesting profile on him last year called “The Long Shot.” It's a good read.

I lived in Baltimore for a good portion of his mayor-ship (is that a thing?) and saw him perform with his band at a number of street fairs and other events. Suffice to say his nickname around my house (coined by my husband) was “Dreamy Mayor Martin O’Malley.”

I read the headline, got pissed, skipped the article, came down here to read the huge number of comments defending my FAVORITE ITEM OF CLOTHING OF ALL TIME, and felt way better.

You don’t have to “justify” a not-guilty plea in court. It’s the government’s burden to prove guilt. In this case they are likely negotiating a plea so it makes no sense for her to admit guilt at this point.

My older son is my salty biscuit and we call him Professor Von Crankypants or the Kaiser of Sulk.

I have two kids and this is their exact dynamic. Salty biscuit is my new favorite thing ever.

I’m 41 and it told me I was 44 and I am having the EXACT SAME REACTION. Also, my husband is 42 and in my opinion looks way younger than me and it told him HE was 51 and OMG ARE YOU ME?

you’re right. And she essentially admits as much in the interview. But who cares? Successful costume design is not an academic discipline, it’s an artistic one. A costume does not need to be down-to-the-last-detail historically accurate in order to succeed. It needs to build a character and evoke a time and place. In

Thank you for an absolutely fantastic interview and article! I majored in costume design as an undergrad and the costuming on Outlander has really impressed me. I love the aging they’ve been doing, and also the fact that while keeping things historically accurate, they haven’t resorted to making a dry museum piece but

This is why I kind of love this photo. Is it an overshare? Absolutely. Would I EVER share this? No way. But it made me laugh because I know EXACTLY how this went down. BEEN THERE DONE THAT.