
The odd thing about this collection, though, is that LP isn’t THAT exclusive. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s pricey for what it is, but $180 for a dress isn’t beyond the reach of many regular people — unlike some of the other designers who have done collections (eg, Missoni). According to my friend who is a LP

Word! I am in my early 40's and keep my hair long and thick. I also rock my many grey streaks. :)

There are studies that show a huge professional benefit - including a salary benefit- to men for having children. Women however are penalized professionally and salary-wise for being mothers. TheNYT had an article about the study where they referenced the “motherhood penalty” and “fatherhood bonus”

Second the rec for Eleven Madison Park. I also like Mas in the West Village.

I'm like this with paper towels. We never had them growing up because they were a "waste of money," so I can blame my parents for my eventual divorce due to the fact that I'm always yelling at my husband mid-emergency-cleanup to "STOP AND USE A SPONGE FOR THAT GODDAMN IT."

Is she interested in something like art classes or lessons? A trip to a museum? You could use those things as rewards for keeping up with schoolwork. Just some thoughts. I honestly think that as long as she is demonstrating persistence and interest in something — which it sounds like she is with art, it doesn't

I don't think there's anything you can affirmatively do to make an older kid genuinely care about school performance. I'd just lay on the praise when she puts in even a modicum of effort, and gently express disappointment when she doesn't but then let it go. I don't think the stick will work in this situation, not

I'm so glad other people have this dynamic. Husband: "No screens all weekend!" Me: "He means no X-box. Movies are fine." because Sunday afternoon movie for older kid + napping toddler = nap time for me.

Yes. there is actually a pretty well-documented corrolation between corporal punishment and juvenile delinquency/ incarceration. Google "belt theory of juvenile delinquency" for some citations.

You're doing it right.

Thank you. I am so tired of the constant refrain that "today's kids are the most spoiled ever." (And the constant trotting out of that dreadful New Yorker article to support it.) From Hesiod to Bronte to Roald Dahl, people have been complaining about spoiled children and how they will ruin the future of the planet

Perfection. My husband left academia after getting his PhD and is now employed in the private sector, where he is admittedly pretty unhappy professionally. He misses teaching (understandably) and looks back on his academic days with nostalgia (less understandably given how shittily he was treated most of the time).

Oh, totally. I'm as worried as the next guy which is why I've been reading that article over and over to try to quell my fears. :)

This might make you feel a bit better. It actually wouldn't require a ruling on a technicality to SAVE the ACA, it would take a ruling on a technicality to overturn it, and such a ruling would also represent a huge departure from the court's prior practice and precedent relating to statutory interpretation

THANK YOU. Our family doctor has a poster in every exam room explaining why he will not give antibiotics unless they are warranted, and certainly not on demand.

In some states you can check the vaccination rates for schools — I know a few anti-vaxers too, but was so relieved to lookup my kid's school and discover that it has a 100% vax rate.

I suspect the reason you can't find a news article about it is because it didn't happen.

They think that "too many" vaccines at once will "overwhelm" the immune system. This ignores the fact that vaccines today actually have a LOWER number of immunologic components than they did a decade or so ago, because the vaccines are much more efficient. Not to mention the facts that 1) babies are exposed to a

This is our pediatrician's take as well. And I see it, I guess — especially the comparison to smokers. But, then again, smokers don't put your other patients at risk, so, as a patient, I preferred my former pediatrician's policy of not accepting non-vaxxers, because I knew there wasn't some kid with measles sitting