
The character design just ruins it for me.

Waiting a few weeks to review an MMO makes sense. But the developers say Destiny is not an MMO, it's not structured like an MMO, it doesn't have anything even approaching a real 'endgame' like MMOs. Waiting a week or a month or whatever isn't going to result in some huge new amount of content.

You don't play Buzzard alone... Ever. You play it in a combo with other cards (specifically Unleash the Hounds) to draw a bunch of cards.

I've heard people chalk it up to high rents in 'nice' areas, and the a) the sort of folks that can afford higher rents, and b) the cost cutting it takes to make a profit still when the rent is that high.

$50 isn't full price for a new game.

A reskinned Civ 5 with better AI and tech advancement sound fantastic.

None of this is about rational thought. It's about sexist MRA douchebags lashing out at women.

You should stop and think about why you either don't know or want to use his name, and why you only condemned his actions as an afterthought

But the man, the married one, he can't go to hell for cheating? Not even a mention of his name, much less the threats and harassment and namecalling and all the other assorted shit. This is why people are complaining about ya'll and your misogynistic bullshit.

Where's the protest signs complaining about the cops' camo pants? The chants telling the cops to put their regular uniforms back on? The community, the protesters, the grieving parents... they're not talking about militarization. Who is? White reporters. White libertarians. White Politicians.

Could White people please stop talking about the "militarization" of the police, as if the police just started treating Black people this way 10 years ago when the government started handing this gear out?

Invoking Johnny Cash in defense of country music is pretty damning. One can't help but remember his music, and compare it to what we hear today. And it's not a flattering comparison.

You're right, I had no idea that the Plan B and IUDs were prescribed for hormone treatment.

Uh, yeah they are. Once again, you don't have any idea how women's bodies work. Which is pretty typical. But hey, you had a girlfriend one time, so totally an expert.

I just explained to you that not all of them have generics available.

About 1/3 of prescriptions for the pill are for non-birth control reasons. These are hormones, used to treat all sorts of other medical conditions. Please stop talking about stuff you don't know anything about.

You don't know anything about women's health dude. Nothing. It's not about being "too good" for generics. They all work differently. You can't just take whatever you want. Some women spend years trying to find one that works right.

First of all, there are numerous right wing groups who want birth control outlawed. They (incorrectly) believe they cause abortions and are therefore no different than surgical abortions.

Believing that putting more people in prison for longer time periods and in more abusive settings does anything good for society is a reactionary position.