
A 12 year old may imitate adult behavior, or a child may learn over-sexualized behavior as a result of repeated sexual abuse. That should not be confused with mature sexual desire.

Child victims of sexual molestation or rape may not appear to object, because they do not understand what is happening to them, and just go along with whatever the adult wants. That's not consent, that's waiting for things to be over.

There is a very large MM Romance fan group on Goodreads, or you can just browse the MM Romance category of books there to find a wide variety of sub-genres (Mystery, Historical, Paranormal, etc.)

Many women prefer same-sex erotica to male-female erotica. I can attest to that anecdotally ( although I identify as bisexual, so maybe my anecdotal evidence should not be considered). Slightly less anecdotally, Pornhub’s 2014 demographic information shows the top two searches by women as “lesbian” and “gay (male)“.

There are a lot of lesbians and some trans people writing MM, and I suspect that many of the women writers who are heteronormative in their family life would identify personally as bi or queer.

I’m very interested to know what specific language in the current law he finds problematic, and how he would prefer it to be rewritten? It sounds like back-pedaling hooey to me, but I'm curious to know what he'd come up with.

I disagree with his home run hitting lifestyle, 100 percent.

I’m 5’7”! I may not be able to buy a damn dress, but my countertop fits me perfectly!

They would have needed to fit into the pope’s SUPER tight schedule for this to be real. The only possible way this happened on Thursday (calling it— it did not) would be if she crashed the pope’s breakfast:

Pics or it didn’t happen.

We could do both, with the cooperation of Congress and state governments.

I’d like it if those states and certain members of the United States Congress were not in the active process of eliminating that exact spending by trying to shut down women’s health clinics.

Not a doctor, not a medical professional, but my educated guess:

Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex trafficking is a workers are legitimate business human beings.

I am habitually suspicious of any expert brought on by CNN these days. Not to say they’re wrong, I don’t know. This whole thing is as fascinating as a lesson in arcane civics as anything else.

So they would only be responsible for her loss if she turned around and sued them for malpractice? Makes sense— she’s a grownup (kinda) and needs to be responsible for her own actions.

So they’re in a great spot. They get to have this woman put herself and her money on the line, perhaps while making her a promise of financial support, but without any real obligation to do so, or any danger to themselves. AND they are a tax-free “Christian ministry”, cuz they said they are, so there. Yay.

Whether or not this woman is a hypocrite is immaterial now. Even if she had been pure in faith, deed, and intention from the moment of her birth, her actions now are designed not only to get her out of performing her sworn duty, but anyone else in government who feels that signing a legal document for any LGBT person

It’s now clear that this woman is either an idiot dupe of the Liberty Counsel, or a willing sacrifice. Sending her to jail would be satisfying in a lot of ways, but it will send the right wing commentariat into a frenzy over “religious persecution”.