
I just looked up the Sportsman's Park neighborhood of Port St. Lucie on Google Streetview. If there was a listing for "sleepy semi-rural small city" in the dictionary, that place would be the illustration. The most alarming thing about the area is that some of the residential streets do not have paved sidewalks.

I can imagine A guy, singular, trying it. To be a dick, if for no more sinister reason. But I have a hard time imagining it being such a common problem we need to prevent trans people from using the facilities they feel most comfortable in.

If a creeper is in a restroom, gender is immaterial. There is no reason to worry about creepers unless someone ( man, woman, or any other variation of gender) acts like a creep. If the person in the restroom is doing nothing more alarming than using the toilet, washing up, or fixing their makeup, what the hell

As an Iowa kid in the 70s, my mom would leave me in the car for whatever reason all the time. BUT.

Yes. Which is what, about $85USD? That seems like reasonable price for a hand-made novelty party dress. No one asked for a quarter-million $$$, they all just offered it on their own (whether or not they intend to pay…?)

The other thing I would suggest is learning to practice gratitude. Again, very woo-woo newage-y, but there's a point to it. When we focus on what other people have that we don't, it's easy to lose track of what we do have. And even when you don't have a lot, you can turn it into more than it seems. Taking time to

I am guessing that the bentonite clay would go some way not toward preventing sweat, but absorbing it. I used to use a product branded by Adidas that worked on the same principle— they called it "Cotton Tech" or some bullshit (I think it was really silicate), and it worked for me after years of regular

I grew up in the 70's. I made my first step away from my childhood's casual Christianity (my sister and I went to Sunday school, and the family attended service at the First Presbyterian church every week) when I was in second grade, the year my parents divorced (Still very unusual at the time.) I turned the turmoil

I've thought about it for a few minutes while reading this thread. I've run into people wearing Google Glass in public twice, and seen it in a weird context on video once (a president of a sports team being interviewed at an event). Every time, my reaction was, "WTF is that person doing wearing that in PUBLIC?" On the

I think we're talking about different dudes.

On the other hand: Sam reportedly has a tight group of friends, including a stable surrogate family in his hometown. His romances will be open to the light of day, whether they are sweet or tempestuous. He has the same risks for health vs. injury as any other young NFL player with a less than conventional physique. He

Which case are you referring to? In all the suits I've read about, the business refused service and made it clear at the time that it was because the customer was gay. Which is absolutely against the law when applied to any other class of people. See: the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The set-up is because the three National teams are partly subsidizing the league. The six allocated national players have their salaries paid, at least in part, by her country' national orginization. Nothing prevents recruiting of international players that I know of. Portland just traded away their popular Canadian

His tie is amazing.

Further, by not finding anyone willing to say anything positive, SI is kinda complicit with the fulfillment of these anonymous sources' prophesy. We know what happens to stock market prices when emotions get involved: they tank (look at Apple's fluctuations when Steve Jobs was sick and then passed away.) The same

And his mom is a Jehovah's Witness who disapproves of sports altogether.
Fortunately, he had what looks to have been an unofficial foster family who gave him a good home in high school. He was able to bring a boyfriend back to visit them during a school break. So you know where the real love in his life has come from.

Yes, men and women are different. That is why men and women play on different teams, in different leagues. Men's Soccer and Women's Soccer have the same rules, but they are different sports. Tobin Heath's goal was brilliant. If you don't think it qualified to be described with some made-up word, fine; but the goal was

If you want to watch full match replays, most of them are available on the NWSL YouTube channel. Portland's home game are all in HD; the others'... not. Boston Breakers home games were available to stream in HD, but they were all pay-to-view.

DeadHead, do you think there was any way you could have expressed your dislike of Wambach without the homophobic angle?