Junior Minty

Someone slipped Nonna some Eu4ia. Valentina was good, but like last week, kind of dry and one note but solidly executed. Question: Why wasn't ginger Pit Crewian also in cute gym shorts? I learned today he is an aerospace engineer. Now I feel bad about my life.

Good day!

If another season goes by without a muthafucking GRACE JONES in Snatch Game, especially when Shea was told of her resemblance to her by Gaga last week, I will officially feel like an Old. It's really odd seeing some of the younger queens lack context and knowledge of gay culture and general pop culture beyond last

He was a good man, a loving husband, and a kind father. He will be missed.

I know we said we were only going to call the four corners Fairuza, but could you ask Melania to sit in the mush pot. You know, for luck?

Google Street View confirms that Seafood City is now a Walgreens. Their remedies for infertility are not as delicious.

Well he DOES already have the complete works of Leni Riefenstahl on DVD, so no need to request them.

Normally when I find myself watching a new Simpsons episode, I ask myself, "What did I do to deserve this?" Then I saw that one of the regions of the arid town was named Dusty Springfield. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself able to get through.

I dunno. Last gasps, yes, but Boomerang was no Vampire in Brooklyn. And I still manage to quote Strange' (Grace Jones) a few times a year. That perfume ad is still something I love to show people context-free for reaction.

It's not just the makeup that is distracting. Her speaking voice is too high. No matter how talented an actress she may be, there's no way Zoe Saldana can win here. She's playing a performer, not just a figure from history. If the performances, including even the speaking voice, are so r.o.n.g., there's no suspension