
i will be laughing about *incompetent godfather* all day, thank you

its not really a long workday though. certainly they worked into overtime but a 14+ hour production day is not out of the norm.

um just name one asian american female pop star.

Fame gives you insane privilege as far as having a platform to speak from—as we can see demonstrated here.

Why don’t we just call people like this what they are, sociopaths. Why are we so afraid of diagnosing behavior. It’s ultimately harmful not only to society at large but the people effected by this personality disorder.

ya we matched on tinder

Aw, wish everyone wasn’t so knee-jerk judgy about this as I’m going through separation after 4 1/2 years of dating and 1 year of marriage right now. It turned out on top of the other fundamental issues in my relationship, I was unable to also tolerate cheating after 10 months of marriage. The loud whispers are