
Remember that some of the tomes are in other languages, so Wu probably can't read everything anyhow.

I don't think he was being a tool keeping Wu out of the loop—look how much knowledge of the Wesen world has f'd up their lives. I think he was trying to protect him in the only way he could think of. As well as covering his own ass, of course.

I think they're definitely implying he's getting the zombie powers back with the Grimm powers—he kept 'hearing' things that nobody else could hear. And then he took out 3 Wesen on his own—definitely zombie-fueled there.

She's pregnant now—it may be "icky" now because of that.

The main purpose of having Juliette is that it makes Nick vulnerable.Aunt Marie told him in the very beginning that he couldn't be in a relationship. There is a quote buzzing around the periphery of my memory that I can't quite draw out, but the gist was that the only way you can really be invincible is to have no