Rain child

Meanwhile, Kellyanne Conway is busy calling Spicer’s press conference lies “alternative facts”.

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For all the nice nice liberals wringing their hands about the battlefield of ideas... You can’t. They’re Nazis. They subscribe to an explicitly violent ideology. You don’t talk a Nazi into not killing people.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

You know, I noticed the sniffing and palate-sucking was back during his speech. He might not drink, but the man seems to enjoy his blow.

I really want him to succomb to the stress and beat the William Henry Harrison record (31 days.)

I hope he snorts too much coke tonight and drops dead.

Sure it did. It showed Richard Spencer and the rest of his nazi buddies that they’re bullshit won’t be accepted without a fight. Remember “make racists afraid again?” What exactly do we want them to be afraid of? Petitions?

these scotch ties are james macavoy’s problem, not ours.

Or you know he could learn to BUTTON HIS DAMN JACKET.

Someone send the man a fucking tie clip, already. You’d think that someone with the billions of dollars and style and class he claims to have, he’d own a damn tie clip.

Seriously, it’s about time to call on their bullshit the people who bring up the speech of “this is not the ‘right’ way to protest”, “those people aren’t activists, but vandals”, “rioting isn’t the answer”, “blocking traffick is wrong”, “you’re disturbing the life of others”!

Like what? When someone pulls a knife on you, you don’t try to talk them out of it, and you don’t run away, you grab the nearest weapon and kill them before they kill you.

The law frowns on forms of protest that actually work to effect change. For some reason, it’s illegal to lynch fascists.

The biggest reason, I believe, is that Trump is actually underwater. His Scottish golf courses lose money every year, and he owes at least $1.8 billion dollars to foreign banks. The speculation is that he would lose everything he has and still owe money. Really, that’s why he ran for President - he needed the

The epitome of word salad, from a 2015 speech:

“I don’t like the way that looks, but I would be able to do that if I wanted to. I would be the only one to be able to do that. You can’t do that in any other capacity,” he said. “But as president, I could run the Trump organization, great, great company, and I could run the company—the country. I’d do a very

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

Stop calling her a Jackie Kennedy wanna- be. She’s clearly a Carla Bruni knock-off.