One resident, Jennifer Pereira told NBC, “[The attack] doesn’t surprise me because the doors over here don’t even have a lock. I tried to tell the landlord that.”
One resident, Jennifer Pereira told NBC, “[The attack] doesn’t surprise me because the doors over here don’t even have a lock. I tried to tell the landlord that.”
“The doctor punches its skull and then evacuates the brain. It is the most barbaric thing.”
“He had 50 years to put Tom’s name on any of these papers,” Ms. DeMaio said. “The will was never a valid will.”
Ms. DeMaio suggested that perhaps the two men were just “friends” or “great companions.”
Of course he’s going to sue them. That’s what he does to anyone who speaks up about his behavior. Contractor makes inquiry about late payment? Don’t pay them! Just threaten a lawsuit. Shuts them right up.
I need to see her dress. Because if it’s a hot pink shirt-dress gown, then my life will be vastly improved by such beauty.
“...there’s a loophole for those arrested for incest involving someone under 12 years old.”
*record scratch* Say what now?
He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”
At the least she still has to live with a mother that thinks her rapist is not such a bad guy and deserves forgiveness.
Maybe she can respond that “congealing in a slaughterhouse gutter” is not birth and so he is ineligible.
Nah, he just sounds like an asshole bully who never grew out of being an asshole bully. He seems to be unable to distinguish between healthy play and letting kids be assholes to each other. And now he works in the asshole bully lab called Silicon Valley where they are doing “research” on how to transform the world…
Odds of Lanza turning out to be a pedophile: 1:10.
What the fuck. It’s like they cant control themselves.
This is what pisses me off about this. In most mental health care facilities workers are generally paid less than $12 dollars an hour to non-violently deescalate situations like this. My mom worked in a group home and got punched so hard that she had a black eye for over a month, and if she had retaliated or hurt…
Trump is incapable of dealing with a woman his age on a level playing field when she doesn’t work for him, sleep with him, isn’t in a bikini, and is smart and capable. He just has no idea how to deal with her - so he doesn’t. He attacks Bill, who’s a man. Now he can attack Obama. He is attacking AROUND her because he…
Hillary should just bring a family size bag of Cheetos and sit it in the front row.
This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?
I don’t know whether or not it’s reassuring that Trump is no longer able to shoot straight when it comes to embarrassing guests at debates. If Hillary didn’t give a shit about Paula Jones et al., she sure as fuck isn’t going to blink at Barack’s estranged relative. Trump is really losing it.
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.