When Trump said he was going to stop holding back and implied he would start being even more of an asshole, I didn’t really think it was possible. I was wrong!
When Trump said he was going to stop holding back and implied he would start being even more of an asshole, I didn’t really think it was possible. I was wrong!
I’ll give you an example of a transgression that is so small, so pedestrian, yet so common and offensive to women: when moving through a crowded space, a man places his hand on the small of a woman’s back as he squeezes by. In his mind, it’s a gentle way to make people around aware that he’s passing through. But he…
Playing my rape victim card: I’ve been raped by a stranger in an alley. I’ve also had my boob grabbed by a guy in an elevator who was trying to hit on me, and a guy in a meeting touch my leg under the table, and a crazy homeless guy grab my crotch. I’m never going to tell you that being raped was better than those…
Off topic, but related; I’ve been wondering this a while, (since a scene for this show was shot at my workplace). I don’t really watch network TV, but I can’t figure out why there hasn’t been a bigger deal about this show. I watched the pilot, it was pretty good (for network) and I was really impressed with J. Lopez…
To sidetrack just a little bit, has there been an article about Rush Limbaugh’s latest dumb comments on consent and rape?
Newt Gingrich, a man who served one of his multiple wives with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer, is a man eminently qualified to speak of Donald Trump’s character.
this is offensive to shaved bears
Similar mixed feelings. It’s great that the office is being funded. But having a separate charge is just going to create an unnecessary negative reaction from some students, because it makes it seem like this is some extra service rather than a required function of the university. It should be part of the regular…
I think it’s a little ridiculous. Hell, all that college football money, and they can’t afford a fully funded title IX office?
Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up…
I’ve seen heavier guys where they’re dressed to the nines and all you think is DAMN that’s a suit. Seriously. Maybe an unorthodox pinstripe and matching pocket square, or what have you, but I do so love a nicely tailored guy.
Nah, it’s not just that he’s fat. I’m fat, and a $600 made-to-measure suit makes me look plenty sharp.
Goddamn it, I grew up in South Jersey and I can’t help but have a soft spot in my heart for Red Lobster. Cheddar Bay biscuits, weirdly delicious blue cheese dressing, bottomless shrimp, and ridiculously fattening, probably microwaved seafood bisque-type soup. I love that shit and I can’t help it!
This video made me cry this morning. This is a personal attack against every victim of sexual assault.
You might even say, they need to carry this to term.
Yeah, I can pretty easily identify someone as a person I want nothing to do with when they rant about Trump only saying “pussy”. It’s like... saying pussy isn’t the issue. It’s the “Grab them by the” without their permission that is the issue. People that can’t see that.... yeesh.
I was honestly worried that Trump would drop out at the weekend. I want him to stay in and get completely wiped out. It doesn’t fix the problem, but it would be so much worse if we left this contest with a question mark hanging over it. Also the Republicans need to own what happened here. It’s too easy to pretend…
We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.
I can’t stop picturing Hillary Clinton kissing her fingers and pressing them to her wallet sized photo of Beyoncé for good luck before each speech. “We got this, Bey...who run the world?”