Rain child

They’re talking about her persona, not her body. Similar to when a boring/mediocre white actor or entertainer gets compared to “white bread.” Buttered noodles = bland, boring, etc.

A.) Walking, talking bowl of buttered noodles = perfection

Nah she meant what she meant. A woman whose body is outside the realm of haughty white chaste sexuality is to be admonished to emphasize how it’s wrong and you wouldn’t dare cause you’re “good” or whatever bullshit thing white women have used to belittle women of color because they’re threatened that they won’t be in

And he makes the same weird white people movies over and over and over...

- Tim Burton, basically.

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

You’re giving him way too much credit here, what you’re describing (paying less for subpar/late service) is pretty standard in business dealings. Trump just shorted the guy because he knew he could, not because anything was lacking on the piano man’s end.

Yes. This is a picture of two tyrannosaurs banging. Here’s another.

I can’t wait until the NRA releases their statement about it being every American’s God-given right to shoot up an elementary school if they want, and besides, if those teachers had just been armed, then it never would have happened. So, the answer is really more guns for everyone!

oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

i’m even a sucker for some good tummy hair. goddamn. it’s so masculine ooooof.

ahem, I believe you mean “even more attractive with chest hair.”

Is anyone else extremely concerned for the baby Chyna and Rob created solely to increase their brands and give them publicity? That child is so fucked.

Lester Holt did a decent job. Thank sweet baby Jesus that they didn’t give it to Matt Lauer.

He just said “I have a better temperment than her.” and the audience lost it. lol This asshole is getting his ass whooped coming and going.

That is not meant disrespectfully, she is owning the fuck out of it and looks like the fucking boss while ‘splainin’ to the Dolan how this shit really works.

And to think that none of this will cause a single Trump voter to change their minds.

Coke nose maybe?

She’s glowing like a Disney fucking Princess!