
As I remember, one of Twitters great self congratulatory historic moments came from a tweet by someone in the town bin Laden was in at the moment of the operation to get bin Laden, complaining about the noise the choppers were making. They’re not that quite it would seem.

“...we would not have known about the Bin Laden operation for weeks or even possibly months after it occurred.”

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Other shows have handled it well, most notably Aaron McGruder’s Boondocks, imho.

Are you an Nazi then?

Hang her for what? Working at a telegraph.

My, she must have been very busy.

Brand Feminism. If Emily Davison were alive she’d throw herself in front of a horse.

Really? “Thanks Whitey”? I thought we (and especially Gawker Media) were trying to discourage use of racial epithets? But maybe the author is telling us it’s just fine to use racial epithets if the person you’re insulting has shown their ignorance in conversation, or you just find them annoying. Because that makes

Yeah, exactly. I’m bored as shit with this doubling down on anything anyone says anywhere. Being aware and conscious does not mean nit fucking picking every single thing that comes out of anyone’s mouth.

One might hope so.

You’re new on Jezebel. I can tell.

“whitey”...seriously? You call yourself a writer?

Yup. And he may be spending her money now but she certainly spent his back then. Isn’t that marriage?

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Oh yes they wre VERY different. If you don’t see and hear the different you are blind and deaf. This is what these “refugees” were doing in Hungary and Greece. Still want them in your town? Still what your women live next to them?

This has been addressed in TONS of articles in various media. Migrants is the correct terminology as although all refugees are migrants some migrants are not refugees.

Migrant is actually the correct choice here IMO, although a solid number of these folks are refugees as well. This is because, in a large part, many of these people are migrants; they are wealthier/better off and left by choice now that they are able to relocate to EU countries due to the refugee crisis but they were

Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.