
Look, I am not using revisionist sources, all this stuff is on Wikipedia: Goeth was charged by the Nazis for “ failure to provide adequate food to the prisoners under his charge, violation of concentration camp regulations regarding the treatment and punishment of prisoners”. So apparently your idea of Nazi

Ah yes, the man who Spielberg portrayed as shooting inmates from the balcony of his house on the hill. Except in reality, the commandant’s house was not on a hill, he could never have shot inmates in the camp from his house and imagine: Amon Goeth was ARRESTED BY THE NAZIS for stealing from the inmates IN REALITY ( htt

“I’d be happy to have a child of any race.”

Meh, I’d be willing to bet money if two black people were told they’d have a white baby together, Planned Parenthood wouldn’t have to worry about being defunded.

You’re full of shit. I have a biracial child myself. I wouldn’t want a white or black child. It is perfectly understandable for people to expect their children to look a bit like both parents. This is just faux outrage. I don’t know whether you are white, black, asian or green Martian for all I care, but I’m willing