
Partridge wrote an article for Billboard on Michael's OffTheWall album (generally positive regarding the music) but also said: "By 1987's BAD, he'd waved a gloved hand goodbye to the last traces of normalcy" very obviously judging Michael Jackson himself, having zero to do with the music. So much for Partridge.

The "other" Jacksons all but abandoned their careers when J5 broke up and Michael took off on his own. If they had half the drive, ambition, talent and fortitude of Michael, some could have made it, and, obviously some not. Watching YT videos of J5 during 70's confirms Marlon, Jackie, Jerkmaine and Tito as great

Since June 2009, Jermaine Jackson (Jacksun, whatever) has clarified the very worst that people thought of him while his brother was living.  This man lived off his brother's largesse for most of his 58 years, including Michael's payment of Jermaine's humongous back child support, now, when he must return to work, he

Another exploitation of Michael's son by his "aunty"; the good news is that he's smart enough to make it work for him.