June Watson

Folding is for amateurs. Rolling clothes is how you really save space! :P

Alaska, Horizon, Southwest and Hawaiian. Excellent service and does all of the West and Pacific. No need for the other carriers.

YUP! You won’t get me to pay for anything extra. I even pack snacks and sandwiches and bring my own refillable water bottle.

I don’t care how long I’m traveling, I’ll only use one carry on. I have mastered the art of folding.

LMAOOOO yeah. I travel light, what can I say? I really do fit everything into my one personal item. Oh we going on a 10-day vacation? Get ready to see me in the same damn outfit every day.

Spirit, sis? Don’t they nickel and dime you for everything? I heard you gotta pay extra if you want a working seat belt or something like that?

Wow. So black woman pays to have two tickets upgraded, and when it comes time to move a person out, the leave the non-paying white woman in first class.

If hubris and the successful pursuit of headlines were genuine indicators of political aptitude, perhaps Sen. Bernie