
So a woman is raped...files a criminal complaint...the DA refuses to prosecute...she campaigns against him in the next election to try and have her rapist brought to justice...and he sues her because he lost the election.

Apparently kinja just ate my post so let me repost. This is completely unrelated. The public high school right by my house that I can hear all the football stadium announcements just had a prayer and a whole Jesus is our savior thing before they played the national anthem. THIS IS NOT OK. Forced patriotism and

I can’t see how a prosecutor could ever say they’ve made a final determination to not charge. A new prosecutor could always revisit that decision, as long as there is still time under the statute of limitations. Cosby’s lawyers took a risk by letting him testify at the deposition. Thankfully, they lost that bet.

Diana, your coverage of the Cosby Nightmare has been excellent. I hope they are paying you well, both in cash and in wine.

If I was a Montgomery County voter, I definitely would vote for a DA candidate who, like Steel, promised to look into filing charges against Cosby.

Philadelphia resident here. Bruce Castor is a fucking snake, and he always has been. This isn’t surprising. He was always for sale to the highest bidder and it’s increasingly obvious that Cosby was the highest bidder.

I’m not going to hold her accountable and she is not an abused woman cowering and covering her husband’s faults. However she is married to that man and has to have heard at least some racist jokes, language. So you’ll understand why some of us have misgivings about her and her response comes across as self righteous.

My stomach was dropping the whole time I read this. I’m so glad she got away from him. I have no doubt that he would have raped her if he had a better chance to do so.

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?

God I hope this comes to something.

Who knows, you might not even be fertile?

I love everything about your comment. Thank YOU for sharing that! Itty Bitty Mankini!

My son’s name is Joaquin, and we call him Mankini sometimes (Joaquin became Joaquini became Quini became Mankini). I’ve been waiting to tell a The Soup fan this for 3 months. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

“Who knows, you might not even be fertile?”

Absolutely. It’s totally common, and nothing to be ashamed of.

LW1, the good news for you is that women your age are past the point of being willing to deal with assholes because they are horny and have reached the point where they just want someone nice, trustworthy, and respectful.

yes! yes! yes! all of this!

LW #1, I think Jane’s advice is good but I’d also encourage you to continue to see a therapist or counselor because it sounds like you really want to put down this baggage with your dad but you don’t know how to. You deserve to be happy, and I think finding a way to let that (totally justified!) anger and resentment

I was you, Veteran. I’m about 20 years older than you, but I was right there when I was your age. Stick to your guns; be the person you are, because there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re young, but are starting to put some things together, so this is the time to line out the hard truths of what your ‘musts’, ‘wants’,

Apropos of nothing, I loved this line from LW1: “My dad is pretty much a short black Donald Trump without the money.”