
Trump and Sessions hoping to go after the “real” racists.

Just wonderful, of all the pressing issues in this country & this is what they’re prioritizing. I guess mellowing out the supremacists takes precedence over Puerto Rican’s & victims of white terrorists (I’m sorry, I should say mentally ill lone wolf).

IKR - just like Jason Chaffetz scooted out with the quickness to get his “foot surgery” when the investigation got too close - and his term wasn’t even over.

With the large scale fraud committed by property owners and slum lords using FEMA money after Katrina, I am SO FUCKING IRRITATED this is who actually pays a goddamn penalty.

There’s no cure for spineless & immoral dicks, silly. I only wish he would’ve resigned before he voted on the 20-week abortion bill. In the future, I’d appreciate it if all the mistresses out the hypocrisy of the fuckbois in congress before major votes.

Right? He’s not resigning immediately, he’s planning to not run again for the term that starts in 2019. We’ve seen this maneuver many times, and they always find that God/their constiuents/nameless supporters need them to run again when the election rolls around next year. Gosh, what can you do when Jesus needs you in

Didn’t Dan Savage say this was the ultimate test of someone’s convictions on abortion?

The rich can always opt out of the laws they want to pass. Must be nice. You know if abortion were banned, he’d just fly his mistress somewhere she could have it done. Guys like this make me ill.

I mean, I’m happy about this and stuff, but before he goes, he still gets to vote on the frickin’ 20-week abortion bill, doesn’t he? BASTARD!

And you as well. That’s the thing they never want to talk about - fully informed women who make decisions logically and in the best interest of their lives at the time they made that decision.

That’s the thing: There really is no word for a married woman’s extramarital affair, as women were typically expected to be faithful (ha!). But what if we call someone’s extramarital affair “his/her sweetie on the side”? It’s not sexist, and it’s gender-neutral.

Have had two. No regrets for either one. Regrets with what led up to me having to make those decisions, but definitely no thoughts that I ever made the wrong decision in the end. You were one smart and resilient 18 yr old. Good for you.

Let’s go, PA Dems! It’s much easier to win an open seat than to un-seat an incumbent. It’s an R+11 district, so not exactly competitive, but not impossible either.

Fuck him. He does not deserve the right to privacy as he has voted to impinge on the rights of MILLIONS of women in the country while encouraging the very behavior he is looking to curtail. You are now fair game and you are a trash human being.

If he wants his “personal time” and “privacy” then he could gtfo now.

At least he believes in carrying his offices to term?

I don’t understand how if he was approve they can decide years later to unapproved him. He made his life plans around that approval—— if he had done things incorrectly they needed to reject it the first time—- not wait till later and then pull the rug out from under his feet.

When I was in college i lived with my mom

It would be one thing if they accidentally cut a check to the totally wrong guy and he just decided to keep it, but he actually applied for it and he was granted it. It seems insane that they could come trying o collect on it all these years later with interest, like a bunch of loan sharks.

“FEMA reviews disaster-assistance payments to ensure those payments have been properly awarded and appropriately spent. Whether through human or accounting errors, duplication of benefits, fraud, or other reasons, assistance sometimes goes to individuals who are not eligible.”