
Even better, this is the literal definition of a 1st amendment violation. A member of government wants to punish a citizen for her opinion.

Serious answer: yes.

I’m a 47-year old woman and I don’t find teenagers sexually attractive; they look unfinished. I’m also a therapist who works with adolescents and my professional opinion is that yes, it’s skeevy and potentially harmful. Teenagers often want adults to help them do lots of things that are potentially harmful and it’s up

Amber was/is married to David Cross who is two decades older than she is, so age difference isn’t itself the problem. The problem is James Woods using it as a shield for his hatred of gay people (men, specifically, I’d bet).

From the Times’ description of it, Sharapova does not come off well at all in her autobiography. What a petty brat.

That letter is fantastic, my favorite sentence was “I see your gaslight and now raise you a scorched earth.” Bring. It. Amber.

Pretty fun to read Sharapova going on about how big and strong Serena is in person considering Sharapova has 5 inches on Serena.

“What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. It is called a gift. It is called a humbling. It is called Jesus, I come to thee. It is called an awakening. It is called a growth edge. It is called hope.

James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

I love Serena Williams so much. I love that she is just doing her thing totally unbothered while Shriekadopa tries to steal the headlines with something that happened over a decade ago. I hope Serena keeps putting out baby pics and training videos whenever Maria opens her yap.


Even if you could somehow remove the other context (like, for example, that Jamele Hill was absolutely correct), this is the White House press secretary openly calling for a private organization to fire a journalist for criticizing the President. That is fucking insane.

“With Irma and Harvey devastation, Tax Cuts and Tax Reform is needed more than ever before. Go Congress, go!”

“[Trump] will be traveling to Florida tomorrow to meet with our great Coast Guard, FEMA and many of the brave first responders & others.”

Guess what? I am sick to death of Black folks having to model perfect behavior in the face of White folks’ stupidity.

I’ve worked in social services for more than 5 years (including 5 of those in/around Nashville, including with a fair number of homeless folks). Advocates, case managers, social workers, etc. in Nashville have done a lot for people experiencing homeless in town. I mean, housing is still a nightmare and the problem is

For a black man, this would be his third strike. For a blonde girl, this is just a “misunderstanding”.

Seriously. People randomly hanging out in cars, blasting music at 3am, are usually drunk, high, or up to some shit. Usually a combination of the three. If this had been a couple of black women I’m sure the usually ‘not racists’ would be all over the place with assumptions. They were thugs, they should have just walked

She has a YouTube rap video about skiing (let that sink in a bit) where she talks about rampant drug use.