I think I’ve figured out how to predict what trump will do in any given situation. Pick any topic and his decision will be the literal opposite of what a decent human being would do if president. It’s a depressingly simple and accurate system.
I think I’ve figured out how to predict what trump will do in any given situation. Pick any topic and his decision will be the literal opposite of what a decent human being would do if president. It’s a depressingly simple and accurate system.
Essentially they want to make religious intolerance a protected class above all others. It’s the end-game to all their whining about “PC Police.” They want the freedom to abuse oppressed groups. Also, if they win this, it’s essentially saying being gay is a choice. Which it is not. Protected classes exist because it’s…
Motherfucker isn’t participating in a ceremony that violates his religious beliefs. He’s not officiating the damn thing. He’s not acting as the best man, or the ring-bearer, or the flower girl even. His end of it happens after said ceremony has already been completed. At most, he is providing part of the catering.
‘Rather, the official told NBC, the raids would target gang members and perpetrators of serious crimes,...’
OK, if you start people off unequally from birth, that pretty much assures an achievement gap for the rest of their lives. And the ones who do overcome the gap? They probably would have achieved even more if they had some of the same advantages from the beginning.
“there’s no actual political contention among White America about powering in support for a majority minority, majority liberal city.”
There *is* another side. Some of the same people praising Watt for fundraising normally hate the idea of people receiving unearned welfare for their personal hardships. It is absolutely political. Do you think any of these people would be lauding Watt if he were funding rent for single mothers who work at McDonald’s?…
On one hand I see what you are saying. On the other, she’s trading on her Father’s name to go to a party while her father put the fate of 850k young people into question.
But he’s so much better looking and more interesting that Tom Cruise so I’m happy for her.
Eh, I don’t have a problem with them. Honestly, who didn’t drink underage in college and who cares, as long they didn’t harm anyone. Also, their letter to the Obama girls was classy, http://time.com/4632036/bush-sisters-obama-sisters/
Is it only me or the grey comments are vanished?
Sure, we have. We’ve had to - the last time they choked our oil supply, it crashed our economy.
And based on his past, I’m sure Trump has every intention of following the rules and not trying to smuggle them out of the WHA for his personal collection at some point.
A solid silver dagger would in fact be pretty useless as a weapon. Pure silver is quite soft; it won’t hold an edge, and it would deform as soon as you hit anything with it. It also doesn’t harden well, so any attempt to strengthen it via tempering like you would with steel would just make it brittle.
“See, this check for $50K is made of paper, and yes, its ivory lined, but it only cost about $20, so I can keep it.
DJT: “Saudi Arabia is a corrupt regime that tolerates terrorists and let’s not forget that most of the 9/11 terrorists came from there.”
That’s some serious shade right there.
You gotta love that Dorian Corey level shade. I don’t tell you you’re a Cheeto because you know you’re a Cheeto. And that’s shade.