Apologies. Missed ‘transgender’. Saw story yesterday when she was referred to as son. Thank you for calling me out on that. Wasn’t an intentional misidentification, but I should read more closely. Hope his daughter is safe.
Apologies. Missed ‘transgender’. Saw story yesterday when she was referred to as son. Thank you for calling me out on that. Wasn’t an intentional misidentification, but I should read more closely. Hope his daughter is safe.
Deadspin shouldn’t have said “go eat shit,” that just reinforces the conservative persecution complex.
I’m hoping that it’s just a “running away to a friend’s house” thing. The fact that she was transitioning makes me scared it could be something terrible.
I disagree. My comment has nothing to do with whether or not she liked the movie. She seems to be dismissing or, at best, not understanding the importance of Wonder Woman as a movie/piece of culture. It has nothing to do with whether or not it is an enjoyable action/superhero movie.
As someone who had a baby 7 months ago, it’s so we can commiserate with how much damage your baby inflicted on the way out. And I say this as a person who had a baby in the 50th percentile for height and weight and had a c-section. When I get a birth announcement for a 10 lbs baby, I know to be gentler than normal.…
Intelligence =/= critical thinking abilities, and I see no mention of intelligence, by Eyeball in My AcidMartini.
You can have the potential to learn critical thinking skills, while still being really ignorant, exercising a penchant for common logical fallacies, and being predisposed towards woo. I know of many…
I don’t see it so much as part of the problem as it is a symptom of the problem. When something is relatively rare, it creates the feeling that every new instance is a first.
Oh no. Poor Donal Logue. I hope everything is okay.
I...didn’t say that? Her anti-vax (and other) medical notions are an easy and egregious illustration, but over time, she just generally has said a whole lot of stuff that doesn’t seem thought-through at all. Someone can be kind and talented, and also just not great at critical thought, even regarding the things…
Oh, please, please let them find Jade safe.
Why tear down women tearing this woman down? Misogyny isn’t thinking that Silverstone is clueless in understanding the significance of Wonder Woman or in thinking famous people should stop talking about not vaccinating their children. More importantly, feminism is not about all women blindly supporting every other…
When someone is anti-vax, I question their critical thought. She has said quite a number of things that are, frankly, pretty ignorant. I don’t think she’s evil, or operating in bad faith, but when she repeatedly says things that are fairly stupid, I’m going to question her ability to think things through.
Yeah, she seems nice enough, but she also seems like she should maybe not ever be asked her opinion about anything outside of some pretty shallow subjects. She’s a talented actress, but critical thought does not seem to be her strong point. Also she definitely has tinges of Cool Girl-ism.
Alicia I too long for a day when big budget films directed and starring women won’t seem like a big deal, but we aren’t there. Clueless was released over 20 years ago, and female directed blockbusters are just as uncommon now as they were then. Wonder Woman isn’t a big deal because it’s the first of its kind, it’s a…
She’s such a Cool Girl (TM) that her son doesn’t even need vaccines! She also feeds him like he’s a baby bird and is not a fan of using diapers of any kind: http://jezebel.com/alicia-silverstones-nutty-new-parenting-book-is-anti-va-1566382435
I used to work at a pet store. We had a frequent customer, Jean, who rehabed abused dogs. She’d bring some in occasionally, it was a small store and she knew we were always good with her animals. Jean brings in this giant German Shepherd. It’s wary but I sit down (I’m about the size of an adult black bear so I try to…
You can beeline! Just ask before getting too close, let alone touching. Otherwise you’re risking getting bit and/or stressing the poor dog out.
In old French to say “Je ne t’aime plus” (especially to a family member) meant: you are dead to me. I am cutting every tie and burning every bridge we once shared. Done.
Is it naive of me to think that Azalea didn’t actually mean it in the shady way? In context of the quote, it sounds to me like she’s using it straight i.e. “She and I are not familiar with one another as human beings, vs. “She’s not famous enough for me to know who she is.”