I think whomever came up with that new regulation should have to have something stuck inside of them every time a woman has to go for one of those exams.
I think whomever came up with that new regulation should have to have something stuck inside of them every time a woman has to go for one of those exams.
I just want to add that Dr. McNicholas is a friggin’ ROCK STAR. I saw her testify a few years ago in Jeff City against some other draconian anti-abortion bill. A state rep was making some ridiculous claim that 50,000 women die each year from abortions and she just totally eviscerated him in a way that would have made…
These physicians are courageous and I applaud them for standing up for what is right.
Yuuuuup. Get your laws out of my vagina.
You need to know the fetus’s gestational age to determine what method to use and provide the woman with the correct information about the procedure. This can be done with a quick ultrasound on the abdomen. Pants can stay on, they just need to be unbuttoned or pushed down a bit.
Good for them. Medical providers HAVE to push back on this- politicians should not be prescribing medical treatment through legislation. They went to law school, not medical school and need to stay in their fucking lane.
You only have a year to file a defamation suit in NY. Since they were not exonerated until 2002 they could not file based upon his original statements. They would have to file based upon something he said that was more recent and they cannot sue over anything he says while in office. I know he said something while…
I am just as puzzled as literally everyone who wondered why this was a question asked to the least apologetic, least self-aware person on the planet. Dude will *never* apologize for *anything*. C’mon.
The only moron is the asshole who didn’t read the motion to vacate. So here’s to you. You probably don’t know what one is or the meaning of the word exoneration. So keep working on that Blexit, MAGA! Try Google next time fucker. Meanwhile, he is some more info including out Fairstein screwed over white men.
The 58-page motion to vacate issued by State Supreme Court Justice Charles J. Tejada which exonerated the Central Park 5 methodically dismantles Linda Fairstein’s case. It notes that virtually the only evidence against them were the police interviews in which “none of them admitted actually raping the Central Park…
This is called vetting a candidate and it is a necessary and healthy part of any democracy.
“But today you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore”
If you think tolerating bigotry against women and minorities is no big deal, then you’re part of the problem. You can never wonder why it’s 2019 yet on race relations, we’re still in the 1950s.
That was a good thread and something more people should get to see. Because the push to forgive claiming to be for the person who was wronged is so much bullshit and is really just wrong-headed.
When I read this thread I thought of you. Given what I know about how some LCSWs are trained in white supremacist institutions, I was kind of astonished that it seems to have been a white girl who wrote it (she writes in her bio that she’s living with cancer as well) … except that abusive behavior seems to visit…
My educated guess is that no one, ever, including his parents, liked Don Jr.
Personal responsibility simply means others are personally responsible for all the bad things that happen to you. Sound logic. 🙃
“Everyone has their truth.” I’m really tired of hearing people say the “I’m speaking my truth” bs and variations of it. My truth, his truth, her truth and their truth....Nah, there’s only THE truth and the rest are your feelings and/or lies. If I punch you in the face and tell the world that my truth is that you ran…
Inject it into my veins now.
Is it always a good thing to insert a 14-year-old - even a smart, “mature”, 14-year-old - into a college environment?