“Y’know, not everything is a goddam Oscar Wilde quote.”
“Y’know, not everything is a goddam Oscar Wilde quote.”
Oh no, I think there are still plenty of “ancient Chinese sayings” and “Native American proverbs” floating around, too. Really any exoticizable Other will do.
this is the dumbest type of criticism in the world. Go find your own place to write about legit things.
I don’t remember why we were learning about what different religions believed in health/gym class when I was in 7th grade but our teacher (who had her doctorate) gave us a handout that said “Hindus believe that the Earth rests on the trunk of an elephant standing on the back of a turtle”.
You know, I thought there were a surprising amount of African proverbs about wanting to bang Walt Whitman.
I guess it’s in the same vein as the “New Guinean tribe” that gets used in pseudo-anthropological conversations. Whatever harebrained idea someone has about human behavior, there’s always a tribe in New Guinea that conveniently behaves in just that way.
In CA foster care, the goal is 18 months: the parent has that amount of time to access services and fulfill requirements to be reunited with the child. They try to place children with relatives first, then resort to other options. If nothing is resolved in 18 months, they move to make the child available for adoption.
It took five years because the foster family kept disobeying court orders and fighting to keep the girl away from her family.
These people should have never fostered this little girl if they wanted the end result to be adoption. And they shouldn’t be allowed to foster again. This is not how you handle it, at all. I’ve never personally fostered, but I have friends and family who do. They are appalled at how these people have acted.
They made a traumatizing spectacle of it not just for Lexi but also for the other children in the home. Now those kids are going to have a memory of a “sister being stolen” while everyone cried and screamed rather than the foster parents having properly prepared everyone for the inevitable and inevitably sad…
The Pages’ lawyer, who represented “Baby Veronica’s” birth mother, said she will file an appeal with the California Supreme Court and take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.
I am angry at the foster family for contributing to the spectacle of this case. They wanted to adopt her but that was not an option. They knew that. And all foster parents are repeatedly told that they should be prepared for it to be a temporary (even four year) placement.
I don’t totally agree...in one of my psychopathology classes in college, my professor told us the one drug to never try was LSD....for most people that do it they’re fine, but for people that have a predisposition to mental illness (particularly schizophrenia) it can trigger a serious episode that you may never…
I wonder whether it might not have been adulterated somehow? And/or whether he was on other medications/psychotropics that may have combined badly?
Getting lost in a cornfield? Sure. Existential crisis in the bathroom mirror? Ya, that happens. Beating someone to death with your bare hands? Na, that’s some underlying shit.
I don’t buy it. Unless LSD has changed tremendously in the last 20 years, violence and acid don’t really go together. I was always too busy having really intense conversations and laughing. Paranoia didn’t factor in as it might with MJ.