James Williams

Fits her perfectly! She and Swift the poster child of white victimhood.

Don’t forget also a clueless, blonde witch like Kristine “I like rap and have a black boyfriend, so I’m not racist “Leahy”!

The same reason why the Rob “Cornball” Parkers keep falling up. The more clowns they have, the less sense it makes for them to put people with perspective on.

Beckys in sports and I’m not talking just Becky Ham:

You left off Kristine Leahy of FS1 off this list. This scumbag is the personification of all 5 types of Beckys (i.e. hatred of Lebron James, pulling the victim card on Lavar Ball, comparing Tom Brady to Jackie Robinson, claiming she can’t be racist because she listens to rap), yet “blacks” like Shitlock and Chris