

I cackled like a 12-year-old every time someone said “Steele Johnson,” one of the many reasons I could never be a news personality. Then he won and cried like a baby and started talking about Jesus and just generally seemed like the guileless Midwestern boy most hardass New Englanders like me usually roll their eyes

Let’s just hope that Lilly King doesn’t have a Lance Armstrong moment.

Steele Johnson has a post-swimming career in porn for sure. I’m not mature enough for that name to exist.

On a totally different note, was any one else chuckling like a twelve-year-old about Steele Johnson? Just me?

I’m glad she won; not a fan of the trash talking though (even if it’s arguably deserved).

I think that maybe, just maybe, I am the girl with the most cake tonight. I think that I was just followed by the main blog! Testing, testing, 1...2....3

Oh come on, I just now recovered from losing kitchenette.

Me too and I’m a guy! I even suggested a Pissing Contest, which was accepted and ran, and I got a shout out for it, and even THAT wasn’t enough to get me ungreyed here.

Lol, Noelle’s Ark.

Oh I don’t think anyone actually pronounces it that way!

I have literally never heard that second pronunciation! So I get bonus points!

Bonus points if you remembered to pronounce it “on-we” and not “en-you-eye” when you said it in your head.

Unless the winner is Peter Thiel, in which case it shuts down immediately and he goes and masturbates over a picture of Monty Burns.

I’m rooting for the refugee team: Mark Shrayber, C.J. Pinkham, Dayna Evans and Leah Beckmann.

The thing about Team Sex is that you always know someone will come in first, we just never know if everyone will finish.

I cannot deal with the cost of haircuts. I lose my mind when I see that a dude can get his hair cut for $20, tip included, when mine averages around $200, with an expectation of a 20% tip. Even if you skip the colour and just go for a trim, you’re still looking at $80-$90.

Yep. I regret telling our families we were having a girl. After I pleaded with everyone to not go out and buy everything pink they can find they made fun of my request like it was something so ridiculous. Girls NEED pink or else how will anyone know my baby is a girl?!?!?

Pink color is highly overrated

TIL, my son saves me $$$ everyday.