
Thanks for that Kat - you just made my day (and it was looking to be a bad one). =) Best Friday the 13th post ever!

I normally would agree with you; but I can see it making a pretty big difference on a screen this large....

Loading fine with Time Warner in Cincinnati.

Did you let it finish? The last 30 is the best and definitely not old content.

They're an awesome condom made out of sheep skin (yeah, I know it's nasty)... but you really can't tell your wearing one, and most women say they prefer the feeling too.

Naturalamb..... Enough said.

I want one, but even if I did have one... I'd get it just to put on eBay or Craigslist! =)

I would have done this.... I guess I'll keep watching my email. A $200 PS3 is what I've been waiting for.

Your BSA must have been a weaker bunch than mine... A 24" pine tree!!! I'd just pull the puny sucker up and throw it on the fire.... =)

Yeah, that cover up ad kills me... I never had heard of AdBlock until that happened (it's seriously one of the most obtrusive ad schemes I've ever seen).

It's about damn time; and MAJOR Kudos for putting #WHITENOISE back on the front page (along with others); maybe I'll start visiting there and drunkmodo again on the weekends.

I LOVED my Intellivision; I think the tank game was my favorite, although there was one where you would fly planes and try to shoot each other that was allot of fun too!

Some times it's just so hard to be good...

I know where he was really hiding.....

Good point... =)

When I had RROD, MS replaced my XBox free of charge, even though it was over a year old. I shipped them my XBox using their lable, and got a new XBox back about 6 days later... was back on XBox Live within a week.

You guys are absolutely right; I thought that was another USB.

How would you connect a monitor to this? Or would you have to network in from another computer to use it?

She sounds like the Swedish chick from Soap!