
Yuck, who would want to see Uterus in their porn?!

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had forgotten all about Airwolf!

Goodbye Jason; we'll miss you! See you over on LH!

Thanks for that.....

I'd have a hard time owning up to this enough to report that my laptop was stolen....

And we want you to use a more powerful foam.

Neither is a shiny branded jizz bag by Case Logic

Seriously... I've been reading my Kindle (and occasionally the iPad) in the tub and at the pool for years with nothing but a zip lock bag!

I would agree with you up until Windows 7... I actually converted from apple because of 7.

Dey TOok rrr jawbs!!!

Cisco... why oh why did you pull this bullshit?

By Dr. Dre maybe?

Prodigy baby; back sometime in the late 80's/very early 90's. All you could really do was look at the news... but it was fun!

That is Dwight right?

No, only fools buy the phone...

I would NEVER pay $5 for this. Ever since I got the 1st iPad, I have always put it in a regular Zip Loc bag for reading at the pool or in the bath... never had ANY issues (even with a couple of drops in a hot tub and getting splashed on by the kids).

Expanding CO2 is EXTREMELY cold - I can attest to this from experience. I'm an avid paintball player and their's nothing like blowing a tank seal and loosing 300 grams of CO2 - the entire bottle freezes and becomes coated in a thick layer of ice.

Yeah, like that, but on a larger scale. Mount a bloody large tank to the back of a a truck (thinking of something the size of the larger propane tanks they use for housing) with a mega nozzle and blow it at a house that's on fire for a few minutes.

Well, in the pictures case, I would argue yes. If it puts the fire out and stops it from spreading to the nearby trees or structures, why not? The house would have to be demolished anyway - theres no saving that puppy.